In an ocean of people, our family is but one fish and this is our story. It may not always be exciting but it's all ours.
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Friday, June 8, 2012
Atticus Modesto Barrow
Wow, its been two weeks that Atticus has been with us and what a whirlwind it's been. The intense emotions and pain and joy of the birth have not faded. James and I have written our versions of the birth story in Atticus' journal. Atticus has gone back and forth from sleeping to breastfeeding to bottle feeding expressed milk and crying for no reason. Well actually there is always a reason just not always readily apparent to us at 2 in the morning. Usually if he cries we first try the pacifier. If he spits it out its not comfort he is seeking, we check his diaper. If it's clean, we feed him. Usually we go through a mental list first. He usually has just finished eating so its usually cries for the paci since he hates being separated from the breast. He falls asleep feeding and likes the cushy pillow. However, it makes it hard for mom to sleep so he must be detached at some point. He does pretty well sleeping in his crib at night. And the daytime noises of dogs, tree trimmers, mailmen, cars and construction don't seem to phase him. We have a good sleeper. We also have a thumb sucker. He is very oral says the doctor so we did not hesitate to provide him with the pacifier.
Other than sleep, eat, and dirty diapers, he has had his first bath (and second, spit up does not smell good) and lost his umbilical cord. Atticus has an innie- Thank goodness! He went for his newborn photo session on day 5 and has not been shy to go out in public. James and I have taken him to petsmart (we weighed him on their scale so we could see in ounces his weight gain), IHOP, Target (we changed his diaper on a table in the outdoor furniture section), he went to Mass on Sunday and got a blessing from father Tito. I really am surprised by how much we have done with him. I kind of thought we might be more protective and want to stay at home more but it hasn't been like that at all. He has had a few visitors already and has definitely had his fair share of photos taken. He's really been great and handled all the popularity very well.
A lot of you are asking how us new parents are doing. James is back at work. Since Atticus was born on a holiday weekend he didn't have to take much time off work. He took a few days off and went back very sleep deprived on the Thursday after Atticus was born. James has been a trooper- my favorite diapering dude! He holds Atticus for his bottle feeding, plays with him on the floor and definitely is doing a great job of cleaning the cloth diapers. I have yet to actually do a load of cloth diapers since James is our laundry expert. And its quite helpful to have Nana here too. She has been helping with laundry folding and dishes and cooking. I learned a new way to make meatloaf with veggies and cheese stuffed inside. Very yummy.
As for myself. I have had my ups and downs. The lack of sleep has been super hard to get used to. Most of you know I used to sleep at least 9 hours a night and so taking two hour naps here and there (sometimes only 45 minutes) just is not cutting it. Add on top of that the hard duty of breastfeeding a sleepy baby who doesn't seem to swallow (his latch is great, he is just lazy) so you have to pump and feed (double duty) and you have a very cranky mommy. But the hormones seem to be regulating. During the day is easiest when its bright out and other people are awake. Night time when I'm sitting in a chair pumping breast milk feeling like a cow in a dairy production and listening to everyone snore while they sleep I definitely get overwhelmed and shed my share of tears. But then I get to hold Atticus while he falls asleep on my chest and the world is better cause while everyone else is snoring and getting rest, I get my own precious time just me and Atticus that no one else gets to see. I'm trying to remember the moments and embed the feel of his fuzzy head in my hands into my memory. Everyone says it goes by so fast and even after two weeks I feel like he has already grown - though the pediatrician assures me he still looks newborn.
I'm definitely in love with my baby boy more than I ever imagined and I cant deny the strength of mine and James' marriage after going through our birth and first two weeks at home.
Thanks to everyone who has helped out bringing food, babysitting, calling to check up, walking ChaCha and just plain visiting the little one (and letting me take a nap).
Other than sleep, eat, and dirty diapers, he has had his first bath (and second, spit up does not smell good) and lost his umbilical cord. Atticus has an innie- Thank goodness! He went for his newborn photo session on day 5 and has not been shy to go out in public. James and I have taken him to petsmart (we weighed him on their scale so we could see in ounces his weight gain), IHOP, Target (we changed his diaper on a table in the outdoor furniture section), he went to Mass on Sunday and got a blessing from father Tito. I really am surprised by how much we have done with him. I kind of thought we might be more protective and want to stay at home more but it hasn't been like that at all. He has had a few visitors already and has definitely had his fair share of photos taken. He's really been great and handled all the popularity very well.
A lot of you are asking how us new parents are doing. James is back at work. Since Atticus was born on a holiday weekend he didn't have to take much time off work. He took a few days off and went back very sleep deprived on the Thursday after Atticus was born. James has been a trooper- my favorite diapering dude! He holds Atticus for his bottle feeding, plays with him on the floor and definitely is doing a great job of cleaning the cloth diapers. I have yet to actually do a load of cloth diapers since James is our laundry expert. And its quite helpful to have Nana here too. She has been helping with laundry folding and dishes and cooking. I learned a new way to make meatloaf with veggies and cheese stuffed inside. Very yummy.
As for myself. I have had my ups and downs. The lack of sleep has been super hard to get used to. Most of you know I used to sleep at least 9 hours a night and so taking two hour naps here and there (sometimes only 45 minutes) just is not cutting it. Add on top of that the hard duty of breastfeeding a sleepy baby who doesn't seem to swallow (his latch is great, he is just lazy) so you have to pump and feed (double duty) and you have a very cranky mommy. But the hormones seem to be regulating. During the day is easiest when its bright out and other people are awake. Night time when I'm sitting in a chair pumping breast milk feeling like a cow in a dairy production and listening to everyone snore while they sleep I definitely get overwhelmed and shed my share of tears. But then I get to hold Atticus while he falls asleep on my chest and the world is better cause while everyone else is snoring and getting rest, I get my own precious time just me and Atticus that no one else gets to see. I'm trying to remember the moments and embed the feel of his fuzzy head in my hands into my memory. Everyone says it goes by so fast and even after two weeks I feel like he has already grown - though the pediatrician assures me he still looks newborn.
I'm definitely in love with my baby boy more than I ever imagined and I cant deny the strength of mine and James' marriage after going through our birth and first two weeks at home.
Thanks to everyone who has helped out bringing food, babysitting, calling to check up, walking ChaCha and just plain visiting the little one (and letting me take a nap).
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