Monday, November 5, 2012

Election thoughts - James

Election thoughts...Here's hoping the voting is clean tomorrow - always an issue in Florida and a few other states. I'm voting for Obama. I don't believe Romney can deliver on any of the promises he is making and I don't believe he has the character to be a good president. Gas will not go down if Romney is elected and Obama did not substantially affect gas prices during his term – that argument is childish. Romney can’t lower taxes and lower the deficit...what exactly is he going to cut besides fema, planned parenthood and PBS? We need to keep on a green direction even if it hurts us today and I believe momentum will be hurt substantially if Romney is elected. I believe Obama has done a great job as president considering that he started with two wars going on, the banking collapse, the US Auto bankruptcies and major healthcare problems. The healthcare reform act was a compromise, but it will help many Americans that need health care while holding the health insurance companies in check. The economy cannot be growing all the damned time - there are natural ebbs and flows, corrections and spikes - it can grow artificially for a period of time by manipulation of the system, which in turn leads to greater economic collapse. The economy is fine - we are “getting by” in Texas - parts of the country are living with a little less than they had before, but we all have a great quality of life and opportunity and I don't believe Americans appreciate that fact. Romney wants to run the government like a business...the corporate world is so appealing - upper management getting richer while they bankrupt the company because of their unchecked mismanagement and manipulation of the books. Also don’t believe that is actually feasible to do – economies run on different principles than businesses. Romney's foreign policy would get us in trouble - he seems to make major gaffes with little effort and do we really want to go to war with Iran, Syria, whoever. I think a new third party needs to emerge – the libertarians, green party and tea parties are not strong ­- there needs to be a breakup the republican/democrat deadlock that is killing substantial changes and advancements in our government. Gay marriage should be recognized and legal – the conservative push to keep it down is  by “family values” arguments and morality issues, but is truly about businesses not wanting to pay for partner benefits. Conservative leadership should stay away from moral issues – people can get on board with less government, but when you throw in rape, abortion, controlling views on women and a 1950's view of families, the party gets itself in trouble. Immigration and Mexico – make Mexican illegal immigrants legal citizens if they have been living in the states for more than 5 years and have them pay taxes. Work to reform immigration as much as possible to enable people to work in the country without having to enter illegally.

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